Theirs by Penny Crane Bonus Epilogue


If you have not read Theirs by Penny Crane, stop now! This is a bonus epilogue to the novel.

Content warning!


This is a VERY spicy bonus epilogue to a full length novel. This is just straight smut and a little life update from Lavender and her billionaires. The story takes place on Halloween night, our billionaires are all wearing masks, and there are some chasing scenes with some unhinged BDSM exploration. Enjoy!

XO, Penny


            “God damn, kitten, you look good on your knees,” Mac says, somewhere above me. He blindfolded me the moment I stepped into the room. “Too bad you can’t see this for yourself. Who’s my good girl?”

            I bite my bottom lip and grin. “I’m your good girl, sir.”

            “What do good girls get?” he asks, circling my body. I’m kneeling in the center of our massive master bedroom in our new lake house.

            Colin sold the Chicago mansion, and we decided to move to the same lake town some of our friends live in. Mac kept his penthouse because Alexander and Benjamin are still working in the city—for the time being. Alexander is working toward moving his practice to Tennessee once he is licensed here, and Ben is thinking about stepping back from plastic surgery. Ben and Alex are currently in Chicago and won’t be back for a few days. I miss them like crazy, but it’ll only be a couple of months of this long distance.

            The two of them are planning on flying in from Chicago every other week, and Mac, Colin, and I are going to settle into our lives here. We’ve been making the place ours for about two weeks now. Since it’s October, there’s not much to do on the lake. We’re just trying to spend the fall and winter getting the house to everyone’s liking.

            Colin is down the hall arranging his office, or he was when I told him I was going to bed. He grumbled about the movers not putting any of his stuff where it actually needed to be. He’ll probably be occupied with that for a while.

            We were supposed to have a horror movie marathon tonight followed by a bonfire, but I guess plans changed. It’s Halloween, and I was really hoping to curl up with the two of them and our cat while watching horror movies. I’m not mad though, I don’t mind being distracted by my most dominant husband.

            A smack from the crop lands on my thigh, and I whimper.

            “I asked you a question, kitten,” Mac says. “Guess you don’t know what good girls get?”

            “Rewarded?” I ask. “Please. I want to get rewarded.”

            Mac chuckles. “I bet you do. I just need you to hold on a little longer.”

         He tells me to stand up and helps me off the floor before pushing my hair over my shoulder and placing a kiss on my forehead.

            “Put your hands in front of you,” Mac commands. “I’m going to use the rope to make cuffs.”

            “Yes, sir,” I dutifully respond, obeying his request. My skin puffs in goosebumps as I wait for him to wrap the rope around my wrists. It feels like we’re being watched, which is a good possibility considering Colin still loves to be a voyeur. Maybe Mac warned him about the change of plans tonight. I love when they surprise me.

            “There’s something I wanna do,” he adds, finishing the cuffs. “I’ve been dying to see you naked on the balcony. How do you feel about that?”

            I nod eagerly. We don’t do too much exhibitionism. His palms run down my chest, and he stops at my pierced nipples for a second before pulling them both.

            “Are you going to follow my rules for our little game tonight if I take you outside?”

            “Of course. What are your rules?”

            He runs a finger over my lips and I part them, sticking my tongue out, but he pulls his hand away and chuckles. “So eager, baby. The only rule is you don’t leave the house. You can run, you can hide, you can scream, but don’t leave the house.”

            My eyebrows furrow. “That’s it?”

          “Sure is,” he says, opening the sliding door for us. He helps me over the threshold. “Now, I want you to stand here and count out loud to fifty. Then you can remove your blindfold. Okay?”

            I nod. “Wait—what are you—?”

         He chuckles, and I hear the sliding door close and nothing more. The wind blows the leaves from the trees, and there’s a slight chill in the air. It’s way too cold to be out here in only my leather harness, but that’s when I notice a slight warmth, and remember the portable outdoor heater we bought for the deck. My nerves start to get to me, realizing I’m alone out here, but I know I’m not in danger. They would never put me in any danger.

            Submitting to Mac over the years has taught me that patience and remaining calm are everything. He wouldn’t actually leave his submissive outside, in the dark, tied up, blindfolded, naked, and alone. I know he’s nearby watching me, I can feel his eyes on me. I take a deep breath and start counting.


            “Forty-eight, forty-nine, fifty,” she says. I try to wipe the grin off of my face as she reaches her rope-cuffed hands up to her face to remove the blindfold. She gasps when she drops the blindfold at her bare feet, finding four figures standing in front of her in the same outfit—baggy black hoodie, four Ghostface masks, and dark jeans.

            She told me about this fantasy a couple months ago. How she would love to be chased by four masked men and have to guess which one of us is which. Her entire social media feed has been filled with masked men, and it’s the perfect day to roleplay her favorite horror movie character. Luckily, we’re all almost the same build and height, so she won’t be able to tell us apart.

            I walk around her, running my hand over her shoulders. We also took off our wedding bands so our wife doesn’t figure out which of her husbands are which. My money is on Ben to be the first to reveal his identity. He almost ruined the surprise trying to rush my process. To be fair, he hasn’t seen our wife in two weeks. I could see why he’s so eager. She looks absolutely delicious in the black leather harness I laid out for her to wear tonight. It pairs so well with her light purple hair.

            “Wh—what is this?” she stutters.

         We surround her silently, circling her body. Ben and Alexander look like they’re ready to pounce on our girl. I get it. They’ve been away from her while we’ve been moving and they’ve been stuck in the city. Colin and I haven’t had much time with her either. We’ve all been busy turning this house into our new home. We still have random boxes all over the place, but hopefully we’ll be done settling in soon.

            Colin hands her the note we wrote, knowing that this roleplay would be a little confusing for her since we won’t be speaking. She shakily takes it from his hand and begins reading it out loud.

            “Lavender, we know this has always been one of your filthy little fantasies,” she reads aloud. “Four masked men chasing you through the halls of a dark house. So… welcome to that fantasy. Run, Lavender. If we find you, we get to fuck you. We won’t be saying a word the whole time unless you can guess our identities. You have a five minute head start. Run.”

            She looks up at the four of us, a smirk on her lips. “So, no one actually wants to fuck me out here? Your loss.”

            She turns around, opening the sliding door to our bedroom, and runs through the darkness. My hands twitch at my sides, and a smile graces my lips as I’m hit with the same adrenaline, excited for the chase.

            “Colin, wanna be on my team?” Ben asks. “I’ll let you watch while she cums all over my face.”

            “Didn’t think we were doing teams,” Alexander chimes in, checking his watch. “I’m trying to trap her and keep her quiet so I can have her myself.”

            “Something tells me she won’t fight any of us too hard,” I say, pacing around the porch. “She’s certainly missed the two of you. I’m honestly shocked she ran and didn’t just surrender.”

            The four of us hang around the porch until Alexander’s watch beeps, signaling it’s time to go after our girl. I really hope she makes us work for it—I’ve been dreaming about the four of us chasing her down for a while now.

           “Gentlemen… Good luck, and let the hunt begin!”


            “Come out, come out, wherever you are, little Lavender,” I shout into our quiet home. Colin and Mac have a bigger advantage because they’ve been here for a while. This is my first time in our new home since we toured it. It’s somehow bigger than the mansion in Chicago, and there are more places to hide. It also doesn’t help that there are moving boxes all over the place.

            “How about you and Colin take the downstairs, and Alex and I will take the upstairs,” Mac suggests.

            “Pfft,” I whisper. “Now you wanna team up? Just a moment ago you didn’t wanna split.”

            Just then, the sound of something downstairs breaks the quiet. The four of us waste no time racing down the stairs. We split off, checking all the rooms. When we’re all back in the living area, pivoting around, we find Mr. Snuffy sitting on the kitchen table cleaning his paws.

            “Damn it, Mr. Snuffy!” Colin scolds, picking up the chunky ball of fur from the table. “Where’s your mama? Was that you making the noise?”

            “Uh, Colin,” I whisper. “Put Snuffy down. There’s a laser aimed right for your head.”

            Just then, Snuffy spots it and tries to wiggle out of Colin’s arms to get to the red dot. Colin carefully drops the cat onto the floor, and we follow the direction of the beam. Lavender giggles as she takes off running down the hall.

            “She can’t get far,” Mac says. “One of you go get her!”

         I spring into action, bolting up the stairs and down the hall. She’s quiet again, and I tiptoe around, trying to hear any movements whatsoever. I bite my bottom lip, smiling as I think about what I’m going to do to her when I find her. She’ll know it’s me if the first thing I do to her is peel her panties to the side and devour her pussy, so I’m not going to do that. My cock strains in my pants as I enter what I assume is Colin’s office. The lights are off, but I can almost feel her presence. I close the French doors behind me and lock them so she’ll struggle to get out if she gets away. I want so badly to taunt her, but I love the idea of her heartbeat racing from the unknown.

            Where would I hide…?

            I check the closet first and find it empty. The only other hiding spot in this room is under Colin’s desk. I smirk as I slowly walk over to the desk. There’s a group picture of us on top, taken the day we had our commitment ceremony on my yacht. It was beautiful on the water that day. Lavender’s beach wave hair is blowing in the breeze as the four of us look at her. Goddamn, how did I get so lucky to have my dream girl and share her with my best friends?

            Done with reminiscing, I yank his desk chair away and find Lavender huddled under the desk. She grins. I pull her from under the desk and quickly bend her over.

            “Colin?” she asks.

           Colin wishes. I hope he’s watching from outside as I pound into our girl’s pussy. I bet he hasn’t even had the chance to fuck her in his office because he’s been so busy organizing. It’s one of the only parts of the house that looks almost livable since the move to Tennessee.

            I waste no time and rub my fingers through her pussy and find her drenched.

            She’s so wet!

            I stand up and pull my cock out of my pants, sliding into her without any warning. She feels so fucking good, I can’t stop the groan from coming out of me.

            “Ben! Fuck, you’re Ben!” she screams. “Yes!”

            I pull out and flip her over, pushing her tied hands above her head. “How’d you know?”

            She smiles up at me as I plunge back in and lay my body over hers. “I’ve been conditioned to know that groan. Could have sworn you were Colin, but I guess that’s actually him in the hall right now. And of course that notorious big dick, Dr. Donaghue.”

            I turn my head and find Colin looking in at us. He should be able to blend back in with the others once I’m done, so there’s no worry there. I just need to distract our girl. I turn my attention back to her and dive into a kiss. She tastes like candy, like she had been sucking on a Tootsie pop right before we got here. Fuck, Halloween might be my new favorite day. Part of me wishes that she was dressed up in some slutty little costume, though I’m not upset with the harness.

            I stare down at her pierced tits. I remember the first time I saw them and my jaw dropped, and I wanted to reach out and play. It feels like that was just yesterday. I guess I’m still in the honeymoon phase with our girl. That, or absence really does make the heart grow fonder.

            My tongue flicks out to lick around the piercing, and her back arches up to meet me.

            “I missed you so fucking much,” I tell her, pulling back and watching myself push in and out. “I never wanna be away from you again.”

            She bites her bottom lip before speaking, and then she reaches out to hold my hands. “Don’t leave me again. This house is too big for just the three of us. I want all my guys under the same roof.”

            I smile, leaning down to whisper in her ear. “Well, it’s a good thing I finished up with my last patient today. I’m a Tennessee resident now, Lavender. I’m not going anywhere.”

            “Really?” she squeals, her face lighting up with a smile.

            “Really, Lav,” I answer, brushing a kiss against her lips. “I’m not going anywhere.”



            My cock throbs in my pants after watching the two of them together from the hallway. I moved to the side of the door when they were both catching their breath, wanting to pounce on her as soon as she walks out of my office. Alexander and MacKenna have gone back to our bedroom to prepare some stuff. They told me to bring her there once I grab her, but fuck that. I’m not feeling like a team player right now.

            Usually I’m all for stepping back and watching, but I’m too wound up. Choosing to close on a big deal the same week we were closing on this house and moving in might have been too optimistic. Now that all of it is taken care of, I’m ready to take care of my girl.

            Ben and Lavender’s muffled voices come from my office, and she giggles at something he says. I scoot further down the hall as the doorknob turns. She doesn’t look my way as she tiptoes out and away from me. I quietly follow her away from our bedroom and my office. I pass a smirking Ben and point him in the direction of the other two. I don’t let Lavender get far. Just as she’s about to start heading downstairs, I grab her by her ponytail and pull her back against me until I can push her up against the wall. She moans, and I put my entire body as close to hers as I can.

            “I knew you were lingering close by,” she whispers. My heart races because she knows it’s me. How is she so attuned to each of us? I never knew it could be like this. “What are you going to do now that you have me, Colin?”

            I release her ponytail and move my hand to her throat, giving it a little pressure. I smile when she gasps because that action itself may have tricked her. I’ve never choked her before. That’s something Mac would do. He’s the one most educated in the BDSM lifestyle, so the rest of us only follow his lead.

            “Sir?” she asks, her voice drifting into that subby tone Mac can usually get her into at the drop of a hat. It’s so damn sexy. I’ve watched Mac be dominant so many times over the years, so I know I need to treat the scene with care. When our woman goes into subspace, she’s handing over all of her trust to us. Mac has been very patient teaching us how to properly handle scenes like this one.

            Slowly, I slide my other hand down her body and grab her ass. She needs to be prepared to take two of us at once. Mac put me in charge of her prep, so that’s what I’m going to do while I have control. Music comes from our bedroom, a Deathpact song that I usually have going in my headphones while I work out. Adrenaline spikes my senses again, making me feel out of control and in control all at the same time. It’s crazy how sensual it can feel to listen to good music with a gorgeous woman in my hands.

            I run my finger between the crack of her ass, between her legs, grabbing some of her and Ben’s orgasm on two fingers. Sharing your ‘wife’ with three of your best friends means you have to get as comfortable as possible with each other. Sometimes I just have to pretend their cum doesn’t exist, but things do tend to get messy when we’re all inside her.

            She knows exactly what I plan to do, and she helps me by placing her hands on each of her ass cheeks and pulling them apart. Ben must have removed the rope from her wrists after he finished with her. I can’t praise her, but I can reward her with some caresses on her jaw. She bites her bottom lip as I start to slip my fingers in and out of her ass.

            Just as she gets comfortable enough that she’s fucking herself with my finger, I pull out, and she whimpers at the loss. “Please, sir. I’ve been good tonight. I want more.”

            Her pleas have me strongly considering becoming a second dominant.

            I pull out the butt plug I had stashed in my hoodie pocket and run the cold metal over her soaked pussy, getting it as wet as possible before pushing it into her greedy asshole. She moans and presses her ass into it until it’s seated perfectly. I step back to admire her pressed against the wall and plugged up.

            Footsteps down the hall catch my attention, and I think it’s Mac because he’s got that swagger in his step as he approaches, admiring my work. He gives me a nod and hands me a leather collar and leash. Lavender is perfectly obedient. She keeps her head staring straight at the wall as Mac brings his palm down on her ass, smacking it.

            Her ass jiggles, and she moans. Somehow, my cock gets even harder. I can’t stand it any longer. I pull her back from the wall and make her kneel down on her hands and knees. She arches her back like the good girl she is, and I kneel behind her tattooed body. I wrap the collar around her neck and fasten it before clipping the leash into place.

            “What a good kitten,” Mac says, kneeling down and running the pad of his thumb over her soft lips. “Be a good girl, and I’ll see you in a little bit.”

            She glances over her shoulder as Mac walks away, the wheels turning in her head, trying to figure out who I am if I’m not Mac. I pull on her leash a little as I sink into her cunt, making her gasp. Alexander would never treat her like this, that’s for sure. He worships her, treats her like a princess. He was a little hesitant about the scenario but eventually came around after Mac talked him through everything that might happen. She moans and begs as I pound into her, tightening my hold on the leash.

            “Colin?” she asks again.

            I smack her ass and groan as her cunt tightens against me.

            “Yes, Lavender?

            “Will you please fuck my ass?” she begs, arching her back even more.

            I chuckle. “Not yet, baby.”

            I pull on the jeweled butt plug, teasing her.

            “You’ll save this for Mac,” I command. “He gets your ass tonight. First, you’ll give Alexander what he wants, and then you’ll give your ass to MacKenna. Understand?”

            “Yes, sir,” she says breathlessly. “Thank you, sir.”

            “You’re very welcome, baby.” I scratch my nails along her back and make her shiver. “Now, are you going to let me cum in that tight cunt of yours? Or are we going to keep talking?”

            “Give me your cum, sir,” she begs. “I want it. Please, please, please.”

            “Fuuuuuck, baby,” I groan, gripping her hips and pulling her on and off of my dick as hard as possible. “I think I really like you like this—submissive… for me.”

            I glance up and see three dark figures at the end of the hall watching us from the door to our massive owner’s suite. I lean over and whisper into Lavender’s ear. “Look up at them, wife. You see your husbands down there watching you be my little slut? Watch them as I fuck you. Tell them how good it feels to have me pounding into you. Tell them you’re going to cum for me like our perfect little whore. When I’m done, I’m going to parade you down the hall on a leash.”

            “Fuck, yes!” she screams. “Please! I’m cumming!”

            And she does. All it took was some filthy fucking words and my girl is gripping my shaft. I cum with one more thrust, and she collapses to the ground.


            I never imagined walking our woman on a leash. It seems so degrading, but she looks like she’s having a fantastic time. She slowly crawls down the hall toward the three of us. Just as she’s about six feet away, Colin jerks the leash, stopping her.

            “You’re losing my load, baby,” he tells her, kneeling down and pushing two fingers into her pussy. “Can’t have that. You’ll be making a mess down this freshly cleaned hallway. I’d hate to make you clean it up with your tongue.”

            He pulls out his fingers and then puts them in front of her face. He doesn’t even have to command her. She opens her mouth and licks his fingers clean.

            “What a good fucking girl,” he says, walking her the rest of the way and handing the leash to me. “She’s all yours, Alex. There’s no getting away from us now.”

            Mac chuckles beside me, taking a sip of his Macallan 25. He’s got the bottle sitting on his dresser waiting for the rest of us to partake. He bought the bottle to celebrate our first night in our new home.

            “You did well, Colin,” he tells him. “You handled her wonderfully for your first solo dominant scene.”

            “She’s such a good girl,” Colin replies, reaching down and rubbing a gentle hand over her head, smoothing her hair. “Be good for Alexander, baby.”

            “Yes, sir.”

            I lean over and remove the leash, reaching out for her.

            “Come here.” She jumps into my arms, and I carry her over to the bed. She yanks my Ghostface mask off and tosses it across the room. “I’ve missed you so much, Lav.”

            “I missed you too, Alex,” she whispers, kissing me all over and squeezing me tightly. Instead of tossing her on the bed, I sit down and scoot back until I’m against the pillows and she’s on top of me. She claws at my clothes, and I help her take them off.

            Lavender presses one hand to my chest and uses her other to fist my shaft as she slowly impales herself on me. I set out a sigh and close my eyes as she begins riding me at her own pace. Being with Lavender feels like home, and I never wanna leave. I pull Lavender down so I can kiss her lips until mine feel puffy from kissing her so much. I don’t even care about fucking her right now. I just want to kiss her until we both fall asleep.

            Mac climbs on the bed behind Lavender, and we share a look before he starts to pull out our girl's butt plug. “You okay?” he asks, removing his mask.

            I nod my head. I’ve come a long way with Lavender and the others. At one point, I wasn’t okay sharing her physically at the same time. Being molested by your own father can make your head really fucked up, but I went to therapy and even had Mac and Lavender join me for a couple sessions. I wanted to be strong for Lavender and our family, and I couldn’t do that until I forced myself to acknowledge the root of the problem. Mac’s still the only one I feel okay with taking Lavender at the same time. Probably because he’s so good at controlling the scene and making sure everyone is okay. Shane MacKenna can read the room so well, whether it’s the board room, or the bedroom.

            “Ready, Lav?” I ask her, keeping her close to my chest.

            “Always,” she answers with a smile. The gasp that comes out of her mouth as Mac starts pushing into her ass is the sexiest sound I’ve ever heard. “This is the best Halloween ever.”

            Me and the guys all laugh. Colin and Ben are in the corner without their masks, sipping their scotch and clearly enjoying the show. Lavender urges my face back to hers, knowing that if I don’t pay attention, I might panic over feeling the graze of Mac’s dick inside her. She kisses me as she sets the pace for the three of us, and I melt into her attention.

            “I love you,” I whisper, her pussy clenching around my cock. She’s about to cum, and it’s so damn tight. “I love you forever.”

            “I love you too, Alex.”

            As the three of us come down from our orgasms, Lavender falls asleep on my body, her breath blowing against my chest hair. I smile and hold her as Mac cleans her up and Ben pulls the comforter over us.

            “Guess that’ll be more scotch for us,” Colin teases. I stick out my tongue at him. I don’t give a damn about the scotch. Having our girl fall asleep on my chest is worth way more.



A chat with Penny Crane